Average / Extreme Month selections

Hi All…

I’ve noticed that when I go to the drop-down box for “Select Average / Extreme Month” that I haven’t had any entires since May, 2003. I’ve checked, and June to Present is loaded up, but WD isn’t displaying it.

Any ideas how to fix this?

do you have a current log file?
in the log files folder
i.e check under setup, logfile recording, you have it yes to record log files

Hi Brian…

Yes, It is checked…

where is this drop down list you are refering to in the program?

Brian, it’s the one on the web page.

Hi All..

I’ve noticed that when I go to the drop-down box for “Select Average / Extreme Month” that I haven’t had any entires since May, 2003. I’ve checked, and June to Present is loaded up, but WD isn’t displaying it.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Hi Jim,

Under view, Show averages/extremes/NOAA report for month/year, do you have Upload the NOAA report daily to my web page turned on?

In the webfiles folder should have June2003.htm, July2003.htm, August2003.htm, September2003.htm, October2003.htm files. Upload (Manual Upload) them to your web page. See if November2003.htm uploads at the end of the month.

ok, now, do you have a file called november2003.htm in the webfiles folder?
if not, under setup, ftp/internet setup, web upload times, make sure you have ticked do daily averages/extreme upload

Hey Guys…Thanks for the help. Here’s what I have so far:

Capt: I do have “upload” checked. In the wefiles folder, I have all Monthly .htm files going back to Dec 2000. I’m about to upload manually to the website just to see.

Brian: I’ve confirmed that “web uploads” is checked. It’s set for 00:06. I’m going to change it to 01:06 so as to not conflict with uploads every 10 min.'s.

Is this the drop-down box on the first standard web page?

if you have the let me manage the datahtm2 file option selected, that drop-down box part will not be updated automatically each month…
I just manually add in the html for the new month each time…

Hmmm…Ricky, thats possible. I do remember checking that one time for something. I just manually uploaded all the monthly htm files. I’ll check to see if that loaded them up. I’ll also check on that box as well…

You’ll have to fix the html otherwise they won’t show, even if they are uploaded. Here’s what you have now;

[code:1]Select averages/extreme month

January 2003 February 2003 March 2003 April 2003 May 2003 January 2002 February 2002 March 2002 April 2002 May 2002 June 2002 July 2002 August 2002 September 2002 October 2002 November 2002 December 2002 January 2001 February 2001 March 2001 April 2001 May 2001 June 2001 July 2001 August 2001 September 2001 October 2001 November 2001 December 2001 December 2000 [/code:1]

that will most likely be the reason, having the let me mangage the datahtm2.txt ticked :slight_smile:

Ricky…you were right - the “let me manage the datahtm2 file” was checked. I’ve dropped that check mark off, so we’ll see…

Niko…How do I fix that problem you pointed out ?

having unticked it, it will update at the next averages/extreme update :slight_smile:

time to milk dem cows for me…

Ahh-Haa! :smiley: It’s working now!

Thanks to everyone for helping me solve this.

Turns out the “let me manage the datahtm2 file” was checked, and that blocked the updates of my monthly readings. A mistake, but lesson learned here :oops:

Thanks again !!

This is a good topic to keep. Good info. Now, if we can only keep it from being deleted.