Average Barometer Reading - Bug or Feature

Whilst looking around the various reports I happened across the following:
Running 9.92d
Looking at the Average/log over a certain time span pop up and noticed whilst everything is normally shown for me in mbs, the Average Barometer value is showing a value in inches.
So it would appear that this pop up page doesn’t take it’s reference from the values that the rest of WD is using.
Am I correct or I have missed a setting somewhere to change this value.
All other screen displays show mb except this one.

what do you have set as your barometer units?
(its ok for me with hPa ticked, but there most likely is a bug if you have say kpa ticked…

thats the bug, just tested
anything other than hpa will gied you inches
fixing for the next verison

Thanks Brian.

a new 9.93d should be OK
I am thinking I could add a little graph to that screen of that data block you have selected too (like under graph history, the real time graph there)

Just loaded 9.93e and looks fine.
Thanks for that.
Like the idea of a graph too.