Aspirated solar radiation screen update

Hi everybody

Some time ago I made a aspirated solar radiation screen
I have recently updated it with a new side shield and a new filter box
please see image

Nicely done Mick :smiley:

hi everyone

been in Wales for 5 weeks, weather very hot

I was thinking about my home made solar aspirated
Shield, I used spray insulating foam in the wall of the shield, it works well but it’s very messy to Use so I come up with an alternative

I made another solar aspirated Shield everything has the same specification as the first version but instead of using the spray insulating foam

I made a solar blocking membrane, this consists of a very thin foam membrane in between aluminium foil sheets

this technique is more friendly to use

the inner wall now as 2 solar blocking membrane tubes one inside another , this has made my solar aspirated
more friendly to make, will soon update my Web page
on how to make the solar blocking membrane
