Archive wunderground

Hello, some weather websites with PWS are also showing the archive from wunderground.

So my question is, howto to this…


Is this what you mean?

Yes!!! thnx :slight_smile: thats it :slight_smile:

Still one question… got it installed but nothing showing up…

You need to customize _my_settings/frames.php lines 34 - 45

$show   = true;    
#$show   = false; // add the # on position 1 if you want these wu scripts
if ($show == true) {
        $frame                  = 'History_at_WU';
        $frm_ttls[$frame]       = 'Stationens data gemt hos WU';  // name in menu
        $frm_src[$frame]        = '../wuhistory/startWUhistory.php';
        $frm_hgth[$frame]       =  1000;  
        $frame                  = 'Reports_at_WU';
        $frm_ttls[$frame]       = 'Rapporter fra WU ';  // name in menu
        $frm_src[$frame]        = '../wureports/startReports.php';
        $frm_hgth[$frame]       =  1000;  
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Your weather station appears to have been offline for 9 days

Station is online 24/7 but only 1 thing is not working and don’t get it working. so sh*t happens.

how ? i don’t get it.

Oh, I see you don’t have that section in your frames.php

You can copy it from my post further up and paste it in your frames.php, for example after line 34.

And fix $frm_ttls[$frame] and $frm_ttls[$frame] to descriptions in your language.

This assumes that you have the wuhistory and wureports folders located outside the pws folder - as indicated by the …/ in the paths.

The Forum has added another dot: …/ should read ../ as in the original code.

Just one question:
Do you have PWS_cron_stationcron.php running every five minutes?
I allowed myself to run it from my browser.
It fixed some of your outdated files.

every 5 secondes :slight_smile: for the realtime wind on my site. I live near a lake and lots of people with boats visits my site

Oke, got this now. 24 uur per dag het actuele weer Reports at WU but shows

No valid data for the period found

but this shows still a arror 24 uur per dag het actuele weer History at WU

No valid data for the period found

Fixed :slight_smile: topic can be closed…