Trying to figure out why my AQI is showing “Offline” and not updating…
Hi dcrooks,
Seems there has been a change in your easyweather settings
To check if all data is loaded correctly, use the PWS_Dashboard - Debug-Console
Click button “load files” at the bottom and all files will be loaded if needed.
There is an error in the list for the AQI sensor
PWS_load_files.php (330) AQ-Davis______: Davis AQ loaded from main station ?
As your WeatherFlow station is not a Davis one you have to check the settings.
More descriptions here
For the Davis AirLink sensor you need to find the station-ID.
Visit Find your weathercloud station and follow the steps there.
Important:When both your station and the AirLlink data are used, do not enter the station-number at the tab “Devices” .
But as you are using the AQI sensor as an add-on you have to put the station ID at the tab devices.
Already there (and has been) so not sure why this quit working all of a sudden. All appears to be correctly configured in pwsWD.
As I said, the station-ID is entered in my settings so not sure if this is a local issue or Weatherlink not responding.
What steps should I be taking to troubleshoot this issue?
Maybe there has been a change in your Davis setUp which caused this problem.
But the message from PWS_load_files.php (329-330) is clear
elseif (isset ($dwl_AQ) && ( $dwl_AQ <> '0000') && ( $dwl_AQ === $dwl_station) )
{ $name = substr('AQ-Davis'.$noload,0,14);
$stck_lst .= basename(__FILE__).' ('.__LINE__.') '.$name.': Davis AQ loaded from main station ? '.PHP_EOL; }
You have set
- a stationID for the AQ sensor ?
- that ID is not zero !
- and it is also equal to the setting for the Davis Station !
That is not wat the load script can process.
It needs one of the two, not both.
As I tried to explain, you should to NOT enter anything in the third question for the Weatherlink station if you only want to use its AQ sensor
Just enter the API an d secret values. Leave the station-id blank
Made this change.
Not sure why this concept is so confusing to me…for others who may be follwing this thread…here’s what happened:
- I use the Tempest station for main weather data
- I use the Davis Airlink for AQI data
It never occurred to me to use the Airlink for both AQI & other weather data. The Airlink provides: Temperature, humidity, dew point, heat index, and wet bulb data as well as AQI. My settings were attempting to use both stations for data, and why it worked before is mindboggling, but something changed, and that change made AQI data disappear from the import sequence. That’s why AQI was showing offline as the data import did not contain the AQI data (pwsWD was now using only Tempest data).
Whew! Confusing as HE double sticks, but I believe making the change to remove the station-ID in the Weatherlink Cloud settings appears to have fixed the mismatch.
Thanks Wim for explaining to me how to use the settings correctly.