Hey Brian I’ve been sending data via the com port for about an hour now best I can tell it’s working!! Good Job! :smiley:

Looks OK, here’s the last few from findu

N7XRD Weather Reports

time temp direction speed gust rain 1hr rain 24hr rain mn humidity barometer
20030107134518 45 90 0 5 0 0 0 53 1020.5
20030107133106 45 217 0 3 0 0 0 53 1020.5
20030107131520 45 173 0 3 0 0 0 52 1020.5
20030107130021 45 122 0 2 0 0 0 51 1020.5
20030107124519 46 122 0 5 0 0 0 51 1020.5
20030107123021 46 259 0 6 0 0 0 50 1020.5


Ken W2KB

Hey Brian seems to be working good is there a way to put a path for the route the info takes? example (APRS VIA K7NWS-10,WIDE4-4) this would be helpfull to make sure the packets get thu. Maybe this would be good to add in somewhere on the APRS internet section where the Lng. And Lat. And call sign are put in? ANy other idea’s??? Thanks !

oh it is working
i had not had any direct feedback on it since i added the CR and LF

I am glad to hear this. I thought the thread died since I did not get any e-mails to reply’s, apparently the subject changed. I will try the feature out this weekend. Currently I am trying to track down why my PC which had never locked up locks up when I run Weather Display and UI-View together. Not when I run one or the other but both together only.

Swapping PC’s and Video Cards now so too much of a mess today to try another hardware change.
