APRS WX station

Has anyone got a APRS linked weather station or taking part in CWOP?

Does anyone know if D-star has any WX reporting capability?

I use http://aprs.fi, if your not familiar with this APRS site it also shows maritime traffic, I’ve found several WX buoys in the Atlantic and also what may be two WX ships (one which had a Polish call sign).

I’m not using APRS to send my data but my station shows on aprs.fi as a wx station. I submit my data via tcp to CWOP. I don’t know anything about DStar as I can’t afford an Icom radio #-o

I don’t send my info directly due to no TNC/2m rig at the moment. I pass my data via internet to another ham about 25 miles from me and he outputs it via aprs. One of these days (years?) I’ll get ambitious enough to climb my tower and take down the damaged antenna, and replace the damaged tnc and rig (lightning strike).

Isn’t APRS using packet protocol? You don’t need a TNC for packet. I did a test here using my 2m FM rig and my SignalLink USB to send/receive packet via a local node. I’ve also recently tested RMS Express Winmor via HF using the SignalLink and was able to send/receive email messages. These sound cards are capable of almost all digital modes and much cheaper than a TNC.

I believe it does. I’ve been off the air too long, I guess. The other essential item that I’m missing is a 2 mtr rig. My HT might work for a short span, IF there was a local node close enough to hear it.


I am on APRS via TCP/IP using UI-View software. View it at http://www.findu.com/cgi-bin/wxpage.cgi?call=KH6HHG and http://aprs.fi/#!mt=roadmap&z=11&call=a%2FKH6HHG&timerange=3600. If you have internet connection and TCP/IP might the way to go without the use of RF/TNC equipment.

–Stan Y.
Maui, Hawaii

I have three mountain top APRS wx stations on the air, W4SNA-2, W4SNA-3 and W4SNA-4. W4SNA-2 is on Sauratown Mountain about 20 miles NNW of Winston-Salem, NC. W4SNA-3 is on Pops Peak near Fancy Gap, VA. W4SNA-4 is on Young Mountain about 15 miles NW of Salisbury, NC. Local igates send the wx data to APRS-IS. The data can be viewed on findu.com or aprs.fi. The stations do not participate in CWOP.

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