Anything weather down yet again? Anyone else experiencing

Is Anything weather down yet again? Anyone else experiencing this problem?

Starting FTP transfer Now to anything weather server
Logging onto anything weather FTP server…
Connecting to FTP server.
220-Microsoft FTP Service
220 Anything Weather FTP.
331 Password required for ftpuser.
530 User ftpuser cannot log in.
141: 530 User ftpuser cannot log in.
Remote directory…weatherdisplay
CWD weatherdisplay
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
141: 530 Please login with USER and PASS.
PORT 192,168,0,177,12,35
530 Please login with USER and PASS.
141: 530 Please login with USER and PASS.

same here
they have screwed something up at their end
i have told greg about it

Good. I didn’t want to have to shut down WD I’m on my 11th day and counting.

i see its working again now, for me anyway (well its sending the data OK)

Is Anything weather down yet again? Anyone else experiencing this problem?...
This page is ok. WD to Anything weather direct.

They still are having some problems with my history and values. :roll: AnythingWeather: Custom Weather Services From APRS data. And, that is what is displayed on the NC Map from their home page. :frowning:
However my APRS data is good. CW0692 Weather Reports

I applied to be a member when the site relaunched, but still have not heard back from them yet.

They seem to not respond for several days. I would just email them again.

Cheers, will give it a try. :slight_smile: