Has anyone talk to, or heard from Steve Hatchets for a while? I emailed him over a week ago and I have not received a response from him.
he is a very busy person
1 week is not unusual to have to wait , depending on his work load
make sure though you are using the latest VVP version
He hasn’t been on this forum for 3 months, hope he’s OK.
I sent him an email just before the first of the year and he responded fairly quickly. His download page was not working and he had it back up before he responded via email.
Ok, well thanks! Hope he is around, because I could use his help!
I wanted to give a quick status, as I’ve been AWOL from this forum for a while. I am alive and well, but have been terribly busy. There are several accumulated issues with VirtualVP, primarily related to the newer VP firmware versions that introduced new commands, and newer WeatherLink versions that dramatically shortened communications timeout values. This has increased the amount of time I spend just answering emails, looking into problems, and doing support to the point that it’s consuming the time I have available to work on VirtualVP, and resulting in a level of support well below what I’d like to provide. The real solution is getting the new rewritten version I’m working on out the door, but I don’t have enough time left to work on it. I’m considering temporarily removing VirtualVP from availability to new users so I can concentrate on working on the new version rather than supporting new users with the current version that has known issues.
One of the two consulting projects that is my main job was recently completed (and this project was the one really sucking up my time), so my time situation is improving now. I will be going through the posts here over the next day or two and try to get caught up on this board. I appreciate the experienced VirtualVP users and Brian that have filled in while I’ve been away from the forum.
Glad you are back Steve!