Due to computer issues (discussed in another thread) It looks like I will have to format my hard drive and start over. I read the “Moving WD to a New PC” Moving WD to a new/different PC FAQ, but I ran into some issues. MY plan:
- Move WD to my sons’ computer
- Get my computer fixed (formatted)
- Move WD back to my computer.
Last night I started moving WD to my son’s computer. Everything seemed to go well as far as it running and updating my website. However It is asking me for my registration and I had to re-do the set-up. I don’t know if the registry files ended up in the right place. My computer does not require a log-in and all the files are shared. On my son’s computer I log-in to my account so we each have our own settings. Id this the issue, or did I miss something else?
If you moved the .ini file, and loaded the registry backup, then you should not have had to redo the setup. Or maybe I misunderstood what you wrote?
It is possible you would need to get a new reg number from Brian, but you have 30 days before that becomes a problem.
You understood correctly. This part I did not understand:
Note: One problem can occur - if the registry entry is not default, i.e. its by a logged user address, then the default entry will need to have the default path in each line of the registry file changed to the needed path. If after starting WD, and the registry entries have not loaded, try the following. Go to ftp/internet setup, then click OK. Then use regedit.exe and search for wdisplayftp.ini - do multiple searches - if you find one that only has a few entries, then copy / take note of the path used. Then change the default path in the wdisplayftp.reg file using a text editor to the required path, and save that file. Then double click on the wdisplayftp.reg file.
Does it apply because on the new computer I have a log-in?
Hmmm, sounds likely but that one is beyond my expertise, sorry :dontknow:
Here is one that drove me bonkers. #-o I have been trying to figure out how to set up the com port. I got it going and then it would stop. Anyway I figured out when I start WD the data transfer starts and everything works fine. Then the nag screen comes up to tell me that the software expires. As soon as I click OK the data transfers stops. So I am leaving the nag window open.
I rebooted the computer and all is fine now. 
Spoke too soon. :oops:
If I leave the Nag window open, I get data transfer from the station to wd, but the clientraw.txt is not updated.
If I close the nag window, The data stops in between the station and WD, but the clientraw.txt is updating.
What to do?? :-k :-k
It seems to work OK if I use the airport metar though.
Another issue, the current txt weather forecast is being downloaded, but the web page is not being updated. Checking my file dates, non of my pages are being updated.
Attached is a list of what is being uploaded. Only the files with todays date 1/24/2009 are being uploaded. Non of my web pages are. :x they all have 1/23/2009.
Is Brian around?