Anomometer for harsh conditions.

My ultimeter anemometer blew in pieces today (42,3m/s), it is the third time this has happened. To ultimter and one TFA has been destroyed by strong wind, over the last to years. Does anyone have experiences with equipment that can handle conditions with very gusty and unstable wind?


What type of location and climate issues do you have? I mean mountain, coast, very hot, very cold etc.

I live in a place that gets extreme winds
and the Davis anenometer stands up to that no problem :slight_smile:
(I have had winds of that speed here before, and very gusty too)


This is in Lofoten in the north of Norway out at the coast. Means very wet, salty and windy. It is the surrounding mountans that creats the extreme conditions, big difference between gust speed and average speed. Could be 15-20m/s average and 35-40m/s in the gusts. And it’s seldom still.

Thank’s for the advice, yes, maybe Davis is the thing for me too :slight_smile: Checked the Vantage pro 2, sees that it has much better range for the wireless connection than the TFA, i changed that, for the ultimeter that i have now… How long distance do you have between the station and your sensors Brian?


See that Davis also has i cabled version, can use the old ultimeter cable… perfect :smiley:


I am not very far from the ocean here (I can see it), and so get alot of salt wind :slight_smile:

My Davis anemometer survived years of salt fog on the Pacific coast :slight_smile:

Why not try: Vaisala Weather Transmitter WXT520

No moving parts, heating option, quikest “live” update for us normal people every 250 ms. Davis has every 2,5 sec.
Vaisala will be my next station.
Perfekt for lofoten med mye vind :lol:

Have changed on my davis vp2+ after 3,5 years at west coast of norway: 2x anomometer, 1x solar, 1x uv. But again, norway is a harsh inviroment for outdoor moving parts.

I dont know the cost of it in Norge :wink:


This is in Lofoten in the north of Norway out at the coast. Means very wet, salty and windy. It is the surrounding mountans that creats the extreme conditions, big difference between gust speed and average speed. Could be 15-20m/s average and 35-40m/s in the gusts. And it's seldom still.

EDIT: Looking at the toplists in EWN, the maxgust Norwegian metoffice have measured in that area in September are 54 m/s (194 km/h, 120 mph) at Utsira fyr (lighthouse). I would go for the Vaisala too in that case :smiley:
I’m not sure that 54 m/s is from yesterday or not but i saw 49 m/s at one point in the current conditions table last night.

I was almost convinced that Davis would be the right solution… But then i hear that Bj

would be cool to have one of those
I did have one here on loan from Vaisala once :slight_smile:

A station without any moving part will probably be the optimal chice here. Checked about price for WXT520 Vaisala Weather Transmitter, it is about $2900. My wife would kill me..

Probably you could ask the MET or road-authority if they have any used available or know where to get it cheaper? At least here in Finland are Vaisala widely used by both moetoffice and road-authority.

Good advice Salo, I 'll send a nice e-mail to the MET :slight_smile:

/Tor Erik

I would also vote for the Vaisala unit. I have had a similar experience, one losing three anemometers in just over a month (Oregon system). I started looking at professional kit on ebay, and there are some amazing bargains now, including that unit you are looking at. Recently saw one sold, new, for a little over

[quote author=Bj

Hello Tor Erik.

It just stop working, no visual outside defects.
So has to be the reed-switch, i open one of them and was alot of salt water/rust on also.
It happends during wintertime with shitty weather.
The first one was from 2013, second one was 2014.

But now i moved up the hill, about 145 meters in hight.
So hopfully not so “salty” her :slight_smile:

I now the vaisala was not for free :roll:, maybe cheeper (included travel) to travel to finland and pick it up there #-o
Or get a local company that apreasiate our service to the comunity, to sponsor us #-o

Well its sooom christmas, so maybe inform wife about our wishes :reindeer:

Just bought a used wxt520 on ebay. Yeeehaa :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Tested in my WD lab, evrything working ok.
Will be installed up north when i go for christmas holliday. Can’t wait…

/Tor Erik

wow, that’s a good find :slight_smile: