Animatedwebcam update


Question: I’m using animatedwebcam2 for a picture I download from the internet through HTTP download, which works fine. But, the animatedwebcam is always created once a minute, no matter how the settings are changed. You should have a choice between 1-2-5-10-15 … -120 minutes, but these settings make no difference at all. It always is created every minute.

What I would like to do is download this picture (which is refreshed every 10 minutes) and create an animation of it which refreshes every hour. So if you set the amount of pictures used for the animation to 6 it should be OK, I think. But now the animation consists only of one or two different pics because of the high refresh rate of the animatedwebcam.gif

Anyone who has had this problem? Any idea what I do wrong Brian? I searched the forum but couldn’t find similar problem.
See left for the version I use.

Thanks in advance!

Is there anything in THIS FAQ that helps?

Hi there! Yes, there sure is Budgie! I guess I was barking up the wrong tree trying to use animatedwebcam2 for this purpose. Again an undiscovered feature of WD (for me that is). Never knew this could be done in Downloaded files view…
I’m trying at the moment and I think this is just what I need! Thank you very much for your quick reply and I promise I’ll search the FAQ’s more carefully next time :wink:

Glad it gave you what you were looking for.

Post a link to the results when you’re happy with them. :wink: