ambient ws2902 conpatibility weatherdisplay

hi do you know if ambient ws-2902 is compatible with weather display ?
thanks you

I have the same station at home…and talked on wxforum about it…I received this email

Oh there are many options to send your Ambient data to many places including to a full website. There are easy ways and then there are a bit more technical ways but cheaper.

Regardless of method used I would recommend getting the $30 Ecowitt GW1000 from Amazon. It will pick up all the Ambient sensors and let you more easily send the data in many ways to different software.

The cheapest is to the have WeeWx receive this data from the GW1000. You can run WeeWx on a spare computer or on a Raspberry Pi for very little space and little power use.

Another method other than the Pi with WeeWx is to get a Meteobridge. You can order a prebuilt Meteobridge from Ambient as they call it a WeatherBridge.

If you prefer Weather-Display software you can use that also to get data from the GW1000

thanks but i want to know if ws2902 is compatible software weatherdisplay ,without ecowitt,thaks

not that I have seen…but we will wait.

oh thanks you,do you hnow for de same price and same thing,usb and working with weatherdisplay,witch you prefer

Yes, it is compatible. I am having a couple issues right now, but I am sure Brian will have them sorted shortly. You set up WD with your Ambient key and it draws the data from Ambient’s servers. Let me rephrase that. The Ambient uploads to Ambient’s website and WD downloads them from there. The problems I am having is that the current version is not properly getting the rain rate per hour and exceeds Ambient’s max download permissions such that it only gets data once every 4 to 5 minutes. WD is drawing the data once per minute and that exceeds Ambient’s permissible rate.

But as I say I am sure these issues will be sorted shortly and I am quite pleased with WD’s ability to store and display the data. I have a web page fed from WD you could look at It includes a picture (updated every 15 minutes) of what my WD computer console looks like.

oh thanks you ,i want to buy ws2902a,the software ambient is good too ,if weatherdisplay dont working good,
thanks you for your time

One more thing. It must be a WS-2902A, the older not “A” version wont work, but can be upgraded.

oh my good he dont shipping to canada quebec montreal #-o :frowning:

Do you think that Ambient is going to allow faster downloading?

Not sure about faster downloads from Ambient, they seem pretty taxed as they are. I have spoken to Ed about it, I am not sure how fast he currently allows, but once per minute is more than the max. I have asked Brian to add a config item to allow us to change the rate.

Also, I think Ambient is available on Amazon and they might ship it to Canada.


i loocking for the price amazon 475$canadian ebay 245$canadian ambient 129 us

I have added the ability to set the update rate to this update:

Thank you