Ambient Weather WS-2902C WiFi

Greetings !
Can I connect the Ambient Weather Station direct to WD. I am trying to get WD 10.372144 to talk to my Ambient Weather and there is something that I am doing wrong since I do not think that I get all the data.

Now I running Windows 7 and have locked the WS2902c in my dhcp scoope so that it always on
And My WD is on 35. No Firewall !

When I do Debug it connects but it says Error.

What shall I do more ?

I may be a step behind, but last time i tried, you can not directly connect WD to the 2902 panel. You have to use the API through Ambient Central. You can use a little Ecowitt GW1000 (there is a later version, I don’t remember the number) which works great with the Ambient sensors and allows the direct connect.

Like i say, i could be behind the times, but that was what i had to do for my 2902B.



Jaltman !
Plenty Thx for your feed back.

So what You say is that I have to config my WS-2902 to send data to Ambient site on the internet and then tell WD to get that data instead.

That seems a bit daft… #-o

Or by a Ecowitt GW1000 to collect my data locally ?

Correct ?

Yes. The GW1000 has been replaced by a later model. I went that way to make it all local with out the out-and-back of the Ambient method. In the older days Ambient had traffic limits on the API access and it was common to miss readings. I think that has been resolved when they moved servers.



The new gateways are GW1100 & GW2000.


So if I would get me a GW1100 or a GW2000 I would be abel to get data from my webstation direct then?
No Ambient web site proxy and it can be hooked up to Weather Display
Are you Gentelmen talking off your own experience here ?

I am sorry…but I dont get this? Are these tools to be hooked on to my wifi? It say indoor… :oops: so it must be or?

Yes, that’s correct. WD talks directly to the GW1100. GW1100 connects to wifi and WD talks across the local network to it. I am running WD that way as we speak (type?). Personal experience.

Regards, Jim

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Jim 4 President !