There are three possible conditions listed in the array that are not checked for in the logic - Extreme Heat Caution, Uncomfortably Hot, and Dangerously Cold.
Maybe when the array was first defined, they were planning ahead for Climate Change disasters.
The Unknown was probably just a fail-safe in case something got past the logic.
Personally, I think the Chilly and Cool in the array are reversed as I think cool is warmer than chilly.
I am hoping that Scott or someone can help me out with an issue that has came up over the past week with the Cloud Base Script in ALT Dashboard. Probably a little off topic here but I can’t figure out what is going on.
The Cloudbase Image was working fine and then within the last week the image disappears after it gets dark. I reloaded all the cb images back onto my host to be sure I wasn’t missing one but the problem persists. I also waited to post until I had conditions other than a “Clear Night”. I guess it may be possible that it hasn’t been working longer but I am sure the problem just began because I have been using the ALT dashboard ever since Scott put the first Version out and then included the CB Script with the later additions.
I apologize if I have missed a thread on this but just can’t figure out why the image is not there after dark; no problems during the daylight hours under all conditions.
I have been running the CB Script ever since you released the ALT Dashboard (several months now) and I never noticed that it wasn’t working until a few days ago; can’t be positive but I am sure I would have noticed it missing before last week but not 100% sure. I do know that it hasn’t shown up at all after it gets dark for several days now though no matter what time of night.
I haven’t made any changes to the actual Dashboard Script at all. Have just added Curly’s Atom Feed Script and some new pages but nothing that I would think would cause a conflict but you certainly know more about php and how it works than I do.
I could change my Metar Station and see if that makes any difference; right now it is set for KCRE (North Myrtle Beach, SC) and they have been reporting regularly w/o any problems I am aware of.
Hi Scott,
the alternative dashboard measured the snow dept from November 1th bis April 30th (Snow season).
Last year (in December) i’ve set the snow depth at 20.30cm but, with the new year, that value has been cancelled from WD.
How to set the snow measurement in season instead of yearly?
Thanks in advance,
I haven’t seen that Brian (Windy) made any changes to the snow tags but I have noticed that the snow days for the year has not cleared. Hopefully Brian can let us know if there have been changes and what tags are still being supported for WD.
Is there a Snow Season setting within WD that hasn’t need set correctly?
I don’t have that problem on my own dashboard, the season total has remained intacked from 2009 to 2010.
For some reason, that I’ve not had time to look at yet, the year’s snow days for 2010 is including the snow days season and not the year.
I’m not sure that there is a snow season setting, Alessandro.
I was asking the question as I’m at work and it’s something that is included on a custom tag from WD so I thought is may be there somewhere. I’ll have a look tonight if no one has confirmed that there is/isn’t a setting before then.
Hi Martin!
I set the snow depth manually in “Input Daily weather” menu, and in the same menu there is a button to set the snow season.
Best regards,
Hi, I have a little problem in Alt dashboard. I have 60 min avg and 120 min avg on CALM and it’s a very windy day. It’s impossble. What is the problem?
If you’re using the new Java Script 9.07 you will need to add a function to the end of the ajax-dashboard.php file. See the threat for the java script for the exact code to add.
I have just started using Rainers new ajaxWDwx.js script see
Its working fine with the latest version of the Alternative dashboard, however I would like to include the option to switch between metric and english units as shown on the first page of Rainers thread, I have it above the dashboard but can’t get it to display in the top line as in the example, Rainer is using the original dashboard script and I can’t find the equivalent place to put the code in your version of the dashboard, hope that makes sense. Its not essential but would just neaten things up a bit, can you advise me please, if it is possible
P.S. I did ask Rainer on his thread and he suggested I ask you
And it should match up as you want it. I’m also working on Version 5 of the Alternative Dashboard that will use more of his mods but I’m having some issues getting it all to work for me. Stay tuned.