Alternative Dashboard Script Released (Ver 5.03 FINAL RELEASE)

I made some mods.

Created a css class to highlight key datum: baro, THWS, DP.
Added THWS to ajax and placed below conditions icon.
Added soil temp to ajax and placed below THWS for hard freeze.
Moved DP above Humidity; more important.
Changed ‘Rain’ column to ‘Precip’ to account for dew and frost.
Added footnotes for THWS & Soil.

Added to ajaxWDwx after wetbulb

		// Soil added by MadALwx for Alt-Dashboard Script Version 3.00 or later
		soil = convertTemp(clientraw[14]);
		set_ajax_obs("ajaxsoil",soil.toFixed(1) + uomTemp);

		// THWS added by MadALwx for Alt-Dashboard Script Version 3.00 or later
		thws = (clientraw[142]);
		set_ajax_obs("ajaxthws",thws + uomTemp);

Added soil and THWS to ajax-dashboard.php after conditions icon

<?php } // end $useWU  ---------------------------------------- ?>

			  <span class="ajax" id="ajaxconditionicon2">
			  <img src="<?php echo $imagesDir . newIcon($iconnumber) ?>"
					alt="<?php $t1 = fixupCondition($Currentsolardescription);
			  echo $t1; ?>" 
			  title="<?php echo $t1; ?>" height="58" width="55" />
	              <td align="center" colspan="2" class="data1" style="text-align: center;border: none">
			  <span class="ajax" id="ajaxcurrentcond">
				  <?php echo $t1; ?> </span>
                <td style="text-align: right;" class="data2">THWS:<sup>1</sup></td>
                <td style="text-align: left;" class="important2">
				  <span class="ajax" id="ajaxthws">
			  <?php echo strip_units($thws) . $uomTemp; ?> 
                <td style="text-align: right;" class="data2">Soil:<sup>7</sup></td>
                <td style="text-align: left;" class="data2">
				  <span class="ajax" id="ajaxsoil">
			  <?php echo strip_units($soil) . $uomTemp; ?> 

Thanks to all! :smiley:


The highlighting really makes your page stand out…Nice job!

Thank you Gordon.

I have the latest version of testtags.txt (1.06) …i’ve added these tags and the problem is resolved.
Thanks to all,


I have a small problem with the daylight section of the alternate ajax dashboard. This just started yesterday. See picture:


I did notice that happens when your ajax routine kicks in if that helps someone find the issue.

Yea, and it was fine until yesterday. I did not make any changes.

I think the issue is related to one of the columns being stretched. I had this problem (different area) when my max wind gust got to 2 digits. The fix I did for it was to change some sections to a smaller type. If you want to try my version 4.21 that has that change, send me an private message with your email and I’ll send it to you!



Well, it didn’t do it. It seems that all is ok until the first update. Then the sun graphic goes to the left…

Any ideas? I have tried Scott’s version and then also reloaded a fresh copy from the .zip file.


Hi all,

I seem to be having a bit of a problem with the 60 and 120 min average for the wind. It seems to be a hit or miss proposition. Sometimes it is showing and sometimes it is not. Any ideas? I am running version 4.21 ML.

Scott,I now have a download page for the script at: Météo Lanaudière - wxscripts Page

Great, I added a link from my scripts page too! The 60 and 120 Minute averages are the average wind for the last 30-60 minutes as the 60 and the last 60-120 minutes for the last 120. That makes the reading a bit harder to double check.


Line 553 in the script is:
<?php if (strip_units($avwindlastimediate60) <= 0) {
Line 563 is :
<?php if (strip_units($avwindlastimediate120) <= 0) {
And line 2004 is :
return $t[1];

No changes have been made to those lines for the ML version. Scott, I don’t understand what you mean by “That makes the reading a bit hardes to double check”

P.S. Thanks for the link.

I mean, the 60 minutes is the average wind speed from 30-60 minutes ago, not for full 60 minutes before the current time. The 120 minutes is the average wind speed from the previous 60-120 minutes, not the full 120 minutes ago (according to the WD tags listing). Perhaps Brian could make a tag for the averages for the full previous 60 and 120 minutes in the future.


I think I had that problem too when I installed, - I fixed it by forcing the time on to a new line.

:cheers: Scott fixed it! see

Works great!

How do you change the thresholds for the colored temperature word next to the thermometer? I found the gizmo settings in WD, but they don’t seem to affect it. Are the threshlds also in ajax?

Check the ajaxWDwx.js file. Search for HeatWords.

Thank you. I have it.

How about what the decoded words are?
Wasn’t able to find what the correspond to.

The langHeatWords array is defined around line 125 of the ajaxWDwx.js file.

The logic around lines 520 - 536 determine which word is used.