Created a css class to highlight key datum: baro, THWS, DP.
Added THWS to ajax and placed below conditions icon.
Added soil temp to ajax and placed below THWS for hard freeze.
Moved DP above Humidity; more important.
Changed ‘Rain’ column to ‘Precip’ to account for dew and frost.
Added footnotes for THWS & Soil.
Added to ajaxWDwx after wetbulb
// Soil added by MadALwx for Alt-Dashboard Script Version 3.00 or later
soil = convertTemp(clientraw[14]);
set_ajax_obs("ajaxsoil",soil.toFixed(1) + uomTemp);
// THWS added by MadALwx for Alt-Dashboard Script Version 3.00 or later
thws = (clientraw[142]);
set_ajax_obs("ajaxthws",thws + uomTemp);
Added soil and THWS to ajax-dashboard.php after conditions icon
I think the issue is related to one of the columns being stretched. I had this problem (different area) when my max wind gust got to 2 digits. The fix I did for it was to change some sections to a smaller type. If you want to try my version 4.21 that has that change, send me an private message with your email and I’ll send it to you!
I seem to be having a bit of a problem with the 60 and 120 min average for the wind. It seems to be a hit or miss proposition. Sometimes it is showing and sometimes it is not. Any ideas? I am running version 4.21 ML.
Great, I added a link from my scripts page too! The 60 and 120 Minute averages are the average wind for the last 30-60 minutes as the 60 and the last 60-120 minutes for the last 120. That makes the reading a bit harder to double check.
Line 553 in the script is:
<?php if (strip_units($avwindlastimediate60) <= 0) {
Line 563 is :
<?php if (strip_units($avwindlastimediate120) <= 0) {
And line 2004 is :
return $t[1];
No changes have been made to those lines for the ML version. Scott, I don’t understand what you mean by “That makes the reading a bit hardes to double check”
I mean, the 60 minutes is the average wind speed from 30-60 minutes ago, not for full 60 minutes before the current time. The 120 minutes is the average wind speed from the previous 60-120 minutes, not the full 120 minutes ago (according to the WD tags listing). Perhaps Brian could make a tag for the averages for the full previous 60 and 120 minutes in the future.
How do you change the thresholds for the colored temperature word next to the thermometer? I found the gizmo settings in WD, but they don’t seem to affect it. Are the threshlds also in ajax?