I had a little glitch in the temperature probe (I guess) for a few minutes yesterday and it was reading the temperature at -39 degrees. Well I was able to fix all of the records except for the Coldest September records.under the alltime high thing.
Help please…
you should be able to rest that ok…
via the enter your own all time records, scroll down, and set /enter the correct reading for coldest temperature for the month
Yes sir that worked… I was just looking at it wrong…was looking for September instead of month…LOL but it works now…just took me a few tries before I realized I needed to put in a decimal point
Thanks for the help
I have had to use this too because I converted September log files to graphs so the month to date graph starts with zeroed data and the “coldest September temperature” in the all time records reads -0.1
For the 2nd day in a row I am having problems with my lowest temp reading… Today I have a low of -22 recorded… I wonder if there is something wrong with my temp probe…
Any thoughts anyone??
does that temperature show up in the daily hi/lo?
does that temperature show up in the daily hi/lo?
yes it does.
it comes up as -22.2 at 00:09 hours…yet the graph (24 hour graph) doesn’t show it happening there… it shows it happening at around 8pm the night before…
it could be that you are loosing communication with the temperature sensor…
well I know of times when I lost touch with it for a bit but it didn’t react like this… I have moved it again anyway since I think it was reading to hot at the new place I had it… so I will see if it continues doing this
ok in my NOAA style report the data seems correct… (as far as the low temps go…) But I still see a -22.2 temp for thodays low on the main page… Als othe data I corrected for the -39.6 temp for the all time low in September has come back and when i try to correct it its still in the september records.
Any other suggestions on how to correct this??
Running 10.17e
This happened twice to me -
On Monday morning when I looked at WD, the graph for temp & dew point showed a drastic drop at 00:05 (from 57.1 to 6.1 deg F). The daily and all time records were also affected.
This morning, my graph shows the drastic drop at around 00:39 for humidity & dew point - humidity from 91% to 41% - dew point from 59.1 to 41 - records also affected again.
what weather station type is that snowman?
WS-2310 running wireless.
that temperature drop occurs because the station has lost contact with the sensor…
and it then reports 0oF
but I have put in wd to ignore 0oF,
but thats not working huh…
what is the low temperature that is being recorded exactly (see in the all time records)
On Monday, it was the temperature doing this -
On Tuesday it was the humidity -
I have already reset all the records, but remember it recording 6.1F for the temperature.
I posted this since both instances occurred shortly after midnight - don’t know if anything is related or not.
I’ll have to check my distances and try to go wired I guess.
Edit: I just hooked up a temporary wire - I won’t change anything in WD for the next 24 hours to see if there is any difference.
Edit2: During my last heavy rain event, I had posted that WD was not keeping up with the console amounts - would running the system wired help this? (I’ve had the setting in WD set to “not wireless” for a week now)
defintaly will be better wired
(and then untick the wireless option in the weather station setup,so that you get faster updating
Update -
After running wired for the last 24 hours, I’ve had no spikes in my temperature or humidity readings.
But…now I’m getting lots of spikes in my wind graph. Spikes to exactly 14.1mph 3-4 times every hour.
I’ve read before about the poor cabling that can cause this. It has only happened since I went wired. Will be going back over all connections to see if that helps.
I’ll be re-wiring as suggested to CAT5 cable as time permits.
Really makes me want that Vantage Pro even more now!