Air Quality Alert

I have noticed a constant Air Quality Alert at the top of my home page with an alert on my Advisory page I have tried to replace several scripts dealing with warnings but so far I cannot seem to find the issue.

I have changed the atom-advisory script and the NOAA RSS Top Warning 2.0 PHP Script

I can only assume the weather service made a change and my current script is a problem…when time permits could someone give me some advice on how to correct this issue.

Thanks in advance…


You need to update your NWS Alerts script. You are using version 1.14. The latest one is 1.37.

Hope this helps,


John do you mind pointing me to where the NWS Alert script is located. I can’t seem to locate it the correct script…thanks in advance for your assistance…


You can use the update tool link at the bottom…

That check-fetch-times.php is out of date. Latest I show is v1.14.

I have been trying to update the scripts dealing with warnings…it seems I have made changes for the good…but now I’m showing

Santa Clara Valley
No alerts No alerts

Santa Cruz
No alerts No alerts

While this is not a bad thing if you live on the west coast…but I happen to live on the east coast. Just cannot find the script that is causing this to show???

The Settings.php file has overrides for many of the settings in Ken’s templates. Visit if you need directions or file updates.

Update your site using the check-fetch-times.php?show=versions … it will likely fix the issue. Just make sure you update with ALL the files in the distribution from the updates page (directories included).

Thanks Ken…I’m in the process of updating the site…

Well I took the time to update the site…just like Ken explained in his earlier e-mail…do this first before posting…and it also helps to update the NWS-alerts-config file with the correct information.

Keeping up a website is like trying to change a flat tire on a moving car : )

Thanks for all of the advice…
