AerisWeather forecasts in Saratoga and PWS Dashboard [Resolved]

Background: I’ve been using a PWS Dashboard with Dark Sky forecasts for a few years, but only recently put up a Saratoga Template, also with Dark Sky. Now, of course, I have had to change forecast and I settled on Aeris.

Question: why do Saratoga forecasts show much higher/bigger range for wind speeds than PWS Dashboard? Everything else is approximately the same. . .

Maybe one template samples the forecast more often than the other: how often do Aeris change their forecasts?

Saratoga template:

PWS Dashboard:

I’m inexperienced and I can’t help you. But testing the most common models such as Saratoga, Pws and Meteotemplate, I can say that with Aeris the same thing happened to me. Different values on all three models mentioned above. With Wunderground the data is the same with all three.

Part of the issue you’re seeing is caused by the cache issue for AW-forecast.php – because it can’t currently write a cache file, it gets the data from Aeris on each access. The PWSdashboard is likely using a cached version of its own, which is older that the ‘now’ version displayed by your current setup.

Both PWSdashboard and AW-forecast.php get our data from the same place (Aeris) … the age is just the difference in your setup.

OK, now the AW-forecast cache issue seems to be sorted I did a quick check this morning. The PWS and Saratoga forecast json files were refreshed/cached within a minute, and the time stamps for the first daily part were identical (2023-04-27T07:00:00+01:00), but the “problem” remains: see below.

Looking at the cached files and the scripts I think the main reason may be that Saratoga uses windSpeed → windGust, while PWS uses windSpeedMin → windSpeedMax. . . :slightly_smiling_face:

There may well be timing/age differences as well.

Saratoga template:

PWS Dashboard:

Now both showing windSpeedMin → windSpeedMax