My apologise to those who may have seen this message before, i have previously sought advice on the same subject , but never pursued it, now that i am in self isolation due to coronavirus, i thought this might be a good time to start again, having plenty of time on my hands.
My first weather station was a Oregon Scientific WMR, this died on me two years ago. I could not afford a new one ( i am a pensioner now) i decided to build my own, i chose an ARDUINO UNO as the basis for my new weather station.
I finished the ARDUINO project last year, but i can only display the data on a small LCD screen, i thought wouldn’t it be nice to display the ARDUINO data somehow to appear in my weather display screen, so here i am again, can anybody help me through this, i am a good listener, seems a shame to waste such good software.
If linking my ARDUINO to my Weather Display software is possible, all help will be appreciated.