Additional detailed climate data extra tags


Just thought it would be beneficial to have data in one place rather than a few that’s why I would ultimately like some additional tags created if it is deemed worthwhile please. Namely the following:
Average humidity
Maximum Pressure
Minimum Pressure
Maximum Dew Point
Minimum Dew Point
Wind Run


as in
Detailed climate data extra tags


Yes please

i will see what I can do

try a new .zip update
with new tags
%hm1%…Max hum day 1 (change day number)
%hmn1%…Min hum day 1 (change day number)

%barom1%…Max baro day 1 (change day number)
%baromn1%…Min baro day 1 (change day number)

%dewpm1%…Max dew day 1 (change day number)
%dewpmn1%…Min dew day 1 (change day number)

%avhumn%…Average Hum
%climatewindrun%…Wind Run

Thanks Brian, you continue to be of legend status!!



Hi Brian,

Just a couple of things. Can the average humidity and windrun be for daily values? Would be great if we could create our own tags? I know this isn’t possible though.



yes I can create daily tags for the humidity and wind run

Hi Brian,

In addition to the previous request, can you add a decimal place for the following please?
Maximum Pressure
Minimum Pressure
Maximum Dew Point
Minimum Dew Point
Wind Run?

Thank you

ops, silly me
use a new .zip update
I will work on the other request today

try a new .zip update
have added as well
%hh1%…Av hum day 1 (change day number)

%wr1%…Av windrun day 1 (change day number)

(see the tagslist.txt)

Hi Brian,

Thanks for your help on this but just a couple of issues I noticed. Maximum dewpoint & min pressure aren’t decimal and the max pressure appears to have a format issue i.e giving ouptut of 32555.222 instead of e.g 1025.4?

Amazing work as usual and most appreciate what you do.


ah ops
i had units around the wrong way and forgot to change some code re decimal places
using another .zip update to fix