Adding a weather page to existing website

I already have an existing website built using NetObjects Fusion. Is it possible to add a weather page to this site and upload WeatherDisplay data? Very new to all this, and find some of the FAQs a bit confusing.

Would I be better to set up a sub-domain (I have this availability, but am having problems with it) and what would be the best program to use?

I would very much appreciate some advice on getting a weather page up and running.


Hi and welcome to the forum!

There is a default web page setup built into WD. First, read all of the content that came with the download pertaining to setting WD up. Then when you have the program running go to Setup > setup wizard and follow the directions to the letter. When finished you will have one WD page that will be uploaded to your website for you. If you already have a site avoid letting WD name your index file for you because it will then become your default page.

Also you might want to fill in your forum profile so if you have further questions, it will be easier to give you any help you might need.

I have followed through the instructions, but nothing happened. I don’r know if Fusion won’t accept this type of upload. I would much rather a sub-domain as it would upload seperately.


I would advise you to set up a sub-directory for all your weather pages, rather than a sub-domain. It’s easier, but also avoids any chance that your weather pages will over-write your other ones. You’ll do this by telling Weather Display’s ftp module to upload to the correct directory.

For example, I host my weather site on All my pages for that site must be uploaded to a directory called htdocs. My home pages are all in a sub-directory of that called Homepage, and my weather pages are in a sub directory of that called weather (inventive naming, huh?). So I tell WD to upload to /htdocs/HomePage/Weather. Anyone wanting to see them can similarly go to Weather in Great Bealings

HTH for a starter.

I don’t know about all hosts, but if I set up a subdomain on my site it has a separate ftp login and doesn’t conflict at all with the main domain. Seems to me there’s less chance of overwriting with that setup, than with using the regular ftp login and relying on a change directory command.

maybe post here the ftplogfull.txt file so we can see the files being uploaded?

I use Netobjects fusion 10 I have no problem, uploading data with WD.
You can see my site at

Thanks for that Weather Frog. I’m using Fusion 8, and not nearly as complicated as yours.

Some how I think I need to go back to basics. My sub-domain is now ready to go, hopefully. I can use either Fusion of Frontpage, I just need to know how to get started. I have read and re read the help files, tutorials etc and am no further forward. I have even downloaded Carterlake templates to see if that helps, it doesn’t. It all seems to require a degree of knowledge that I don’t seem to have.

When I have used Fusion to build a website I have been able to publish locally to see how things work, before publishing onto the internet, can I do this with WD and how?

Sorry for all the questions, but after the weather station being packed away for 18 months due to house move, would really like to get it all up and running and on the web. As far as I know there are no personal weather stations on Madeira and it would be fun to be the first.

Many thanks


you can use the advanced internet setup in wd to set times to create the files needed
if using a template, then you need to set times to create the wxlocal.html (which contains the custom tags) file (which is then converted to wx.html)
and then so you can see what has been updated in wd’s webfiles folder

then once that is all good then you set up the times to upload for each file needed
note, make sure you have set up the ftp settings in the connection setup in the ftp internet setup

note, we need to know what you have set up…i.,e its hard to give you guidence with the little amount of information you have given

Sorry, think I am starting to get lost now. I thought WD would create a webpage, but there doesn’t seem to be a way of previewing anything. I’m not ususally this dim, but I really need to start from the beginning. I am working with two computers, find it easier to read help files this way and I tend to browse on an older computer, and the new one will be doing all the uploading and hopefully if I ever get this to work, will run all 24/7. Some of the help stuff tends to assume you know most things, and I need a step by step guide. I don’t even know where to start looking for the files you want to see, sorry.


as i stated above, you can view the created files, in WD’s webfiles folder
(i.e double click on the .htm or .html files created)


First thing to do is stop thinking about Fusion and your weather web site as WD will create and upload your weather web files…

Using the subdomain and separate FTP is a good idea and you may want to start with just trying to get the basic WD default web page working as noted in this FAQ:
