Adding a popup image

I am trying to add a popup image to image_popup.php for my PurpleAir block. I have added

$n      = 'aqichart';
$pop_img[$n]['url']     = '../aqichart.gif';
$pop_img[$n]['txt']     = 'aqichart';  
$pop_img[$n]['head']    = '';
$pop_img[$n]['show']    = 'other';   # to avoid vertical stretch

but all I get is the ‘earth’ popup (Map popup in Sun block).

For $pop_img[$n]['show'] I have tried ‘frame’ and ‘other’ and nothing at all, with no success.

What am I doing wrong?

The popup should be called with
The “earth” pop-up shows in this case as the aqichart is unknown in the image_popup.php script.

When I check the source I do not find any text with aqichart

Where did you add that text into?


I saved image_popup.php into …/_my_settings :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That is what I was doing wrong :roll_eyes:

Thanks, Wim - again :slightly_smiling_face:

LATER EDIT: I have to say I get confused with PWS_frames.php, frames.php and image_popup.php :wink: