I have added wxgraphs page to the menu. When I try to open the page the page opens but I get the “loading” icon and it never goes away.
IIRC you need to define a background colour: my .html file for Weather Graphs has
<body style = "background-color: #ffffff; text-align: center;">
Tried it, no change.
I thought it just worked, mine doesnt have a background colour
I found the issue. My wxgraphs page had “<center>
” in it. I removed that and used bitsostring’s idea and it works as it should.
Yeah, the <center>
tag went out with HTML4. . .
I now have the same problem with worldextremes scripts.
There is also a worldextremes_single_units.php version.
that is the version I have
Both at the same place: weatherextremes.php FIX
Yes, this is what I have.
It works perfectly when opened via direct URL, but when it opens as a frame in the template, I get that animated “working” icon at the top
I think this is where I first saw a reference to background colour: https://discourse2.weather-watch.com/t/adding-extra-links-in-menu-informational/67873/11
I don’t see your wxgraphs in your PWS Dashboard? If they’re in an iframe you’ll need a background colour.
Yeah, I see them. I was replying to @swright1957
ooops, sorry.
I guess I should have payed closer attention
Hi bos and blainec
Mine are there just not in a menu link yet.
When.i come back from a few days away im going to menu it.