Acurite Working - HOWEVER Barometer always reads 0.0

Strange Issue with Acurite Barometer reading 0.0
See attached Screen Shot…

VIS Reader Connect to same Acurite reports the Barometer (correctly) at 29.478…indicating correct information is there to be read.

Weather Display v 10.37S85 show a Barometer reading of 0.00

How to Fix?

PS Merry Christmas

you might have to set a barometer offset in WD
what shows in WD under view, debug info? (especially after settings, log raw data, under setup, advanced/misc)

Thanks Brian - Took your suggestion to set a Barometric Pressure offset…

That seems to have fixed the always reported Barometer “0.00” issue after a few hours of testing.
See attached Screen shot. Both Barometer readings the same now.