Just upgraded a few hours ago to WD 10.18a… Things seem working except that the Barometer seems to be flatlined at 29.902 in.
An new application is opened every 5 minutes or so (AAG Baro reader) and remains open. A Windows error message is displayed “Access violation at address 0023AF35. Read of address 0023AF35”. Every 5 minutes or so another AAG application is opened… the AAG Baro reader tabs are filling up the Taskbar Notification Area as are the error messages filling up the desktop. I believe that this application is opened concurrent with the FTP uploading of weather data to the webpages.
My system is Dallas 1 Wire 3 with Windows 2000, P366, 384m ram. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
Went into the 1-wire setting and reset the AAG Barometer. Same thing. Also tried to run the station with uncheck Barometer. The problem went away while the barometer was unchecked, rechecked the barometer and it started up all over again.
Hallo, similar setup as your, and exactly the same problem. The barometer works fine when tested with the test program from aag.
Buy the way, I am really surprised with the quality, accuracy and nice views of this software
Hope usefull. I think our problem is a soft bug.
Hope usefull
Best wishes from Ni
Whats even more weired
I have down loaded 18C and I was presented with the same issues, same error
tried all the usual things
firstly a reboot of the PC
re initialized AAG Baro
rebooted PC
its getting a little late so I rolled back to WD ver17X and AAG Baro going again Hmmm
I thought to log the issue and saw this post already
After taking some time off from trying to get WD to work I am back at it on fresh install Win XP pro dedicated to WD.
I am seeing this same problem with the AAG Barometer. I was started with 17z and the the Baro worked for several hours and flat lined. So, I have tried ever version, including 18C and still can not get the Reader program to work. The program does not even pop up like it did before. The the temperature reading flat lined for several days even though the 1-wire info indicated that all was well. I stop WD and used the AAG test program to check out the device reading. All was well.
Last night I removed all the WD files and did a fresh install and setup of 18c. The temperature is now reading but the AAG Baro still does not work.
Is there something wrong with the software module in WD that interfaces with 1-wire devices?
I was really hoping this time around the WD install would go smooth. No such luck.
A possible clue is that after setting up the Barometer there is an error almost everytime I exit WD. Does not seem to matter “save and exit” or I just close the window. I attached WDisplay_error.jpg to show you the error message that I think is from windows.
Also attached the dallassetup.gif file that shows how the barometer is setup. Two things I do not understand.
1.) After clicking “reset” it says I need to restart the program and then click reset again. When I press reset it says I need to restart the program and press reset again. Seems like an endless loop to me.
2.) Do I need to check “I have a barameter” and “I have an AAG baramater” or just the one since I have and AAG barameter?
version 10.18d will be ready in the next hour or less
worked on it for hours and hours
now works realy good for the aag baro here… in testing
very little down time for any other recordin now
only thing is the program cursor changes to a hour glass every 3 minutes for about 5 seconds
hopefully this will be a much better version for everyone with a aag dallas 1 wire barometer
note: make sure you have ticked, i have a barometer, and , i have aag barometer
then click on save reset
good luck, and let me know
OK upgraded to new version 18D
AAG Baro not going for me
at this time locally the Baro reading should be 1000 hpa
with 18D installed I get 784 hpa
I tried the works, I eventually rolled back to earlier version 17X, correct Baro readding displayed
reinstalled 18D again same problem
i am uploading a neew 10.18d zip version
ready soon
where you need to setup the aag baro (see in the dallas 1 wire setup)
and in the aag baro setup program click on config port to select your port type
try that…
and then click on single read
( i will improve this)
that is why its working for me…i had already done that
Firstly the usual process was followed and all Roms disapperared.
There was some difficulty to get the Baro to read, it seemed a cold restart was in order.
Now in the Dallas setup screen this is where it displayed the incorrect readding of 784hpa. But no entry in the Raw Data.
clicking the AAG executable you can see and it looks to calibrate if that is what is going on in the executable
it would read Baro 784 .7 hpa and a temp of 40 deg hmm
should read 1000hpa and 20 degC
Tried this many times but always the same results
I have both Barometer and using AAG are ticked
I am using a The Link instead of standard DS9097U could this be the possible cause
Brian said
and in the aag baro setup program click on config port
please clarify
Thanks John
Hi Brian
I was watching for the date to change on the ZIP file
I only down loaded it now Ah see now what you were referring to
All is well worked a treat
I have barometer AND I have AAG barometer are checked.
Barometer ROM ID is set.
Clicked on Setup AAG Baro
Setup program comes up (looks just like AAG test program)
Select config port and select DS9097U
No DS2407 devices are found. It acts the same as when I tried to run TWO 1-wire programs.
It is as if the setup program connot have the port because WD is already using it.