Maybe you can have a look here. For me it looks like the date/day is shown wrong in the header of the cur24hourgraph.gif - for me there is always the date/day from yesterday shown. In the cur48hourgraph.gif and in the cur72hourgraph.gif is the date/day from today shown. Can someone confirm this also - or is it just a “bug” for me?
Also Thank you for fixing the problem Brian - but unfortunately it looks like you have made a little mistake as you have tried to fix this problem…please have a look here:
As you can see now - the “header” of the last 24 hours graph looks like this here:
“Current last 24 hours :DATUM: 19 August 2004”
And I’m very sure the “word” “:DATUM:” shouldn’t be there in front of the date - right?
So please when you can have a look there again - that would be very nice - Thank you!!!
Unfortunately I’m a little bit busy at the moment - but I hope I can write you some more “things” at the weekend where I think there are also some mistakes or bugs - or maybe I just do not understand the “things” and settings and so on correctly - but we will see.