A simple..yet possibly dumb question

Gidday Gents,

How do i upload a picture to the Forum??? For the life of me I cannot work it out!! Any help appreciated… I am sure there must be some easy way!! :?: :roll: :?:

Weather at the Farm today:
Avg Wind 6.7kts, Baro 1010.9 (+), Temp 13.3C, Raining at 1,1mm per minute…
:frowning: Adn I have a line of fencing to do in our bull paddock…

Well… you don’t… you upload an image to YOUR web page… and then link to it…

That’s what I’m doing with my image below…

Ah, I see, well seeing as i don’t have the aforementioned web page, that will be a problem. Thanks for clearing that up mate! :slight_smile:

Ah, I see, well seeing as i don't have the aforementioned web page, that will be a problem. Thanks for clearing that up mate! :)

Well go get one… there are dozens of free ones on the net.

Here’s an image file host from a quick search…


Testing… testing…

nzmacka, if you have trouble finding a web site provider, then send me a email can i can help out
who is your Internet service provider?

equinox winds are here already by the looks!