I’ve just got a 2310 and have spent most of Christmas setting it up and looking for software. WD looks excellent from the download trial version and I really want to buy a copy. Just before I do, there’s a couple of questions which may seem straight forward but I wanted to check out.
Firstly, I leave my pc in standby mode when not in use. Will I be able to gather the data ok from the 2310 and is there any limit as to how far back this can be retrieved from?
And secondly, as the 2310 records data at hourly intervals would I have to reflect this in the WD settings for data retrieval?
Sorry if this sounds so simple, I’m a complete newbie to weather software but do have plenty of IT knowledge! Any help would be really appreciated - I’m keen to get the paid up version!
if you have it set for 1 hour, then in the ws2310 data logger setup, set the logging interval to 60 minutes
so that WD pads out the data by 1 hour (it will be blocky on the graphs)
that will give you 175 hours or so
you migth want to go down to say every 30 minuutes maybe, or less
standby mode is where the computer goes to sleep until acted upon again by human hands. Basically that means the computer is off and data isn’t getting into WD.
I believe almost everyone here running WD has a computer running 24/7. The benefit is having WD upload your weather to an internet web page so you can view it anywhere.
My 2310 records data every 8 seconds (cable plugged in) and that IMHO is still too slow on windy days.
I don’t use the same weather system, but just wanted to welcome you to the board and to put in a good word for the WDisplay software. Once you take the plunge you’ll never look back! I have used the software for about a year now.
The software functionality is tops and Brian’s personal commitment to enhancements (although overwhelming at times!) and this message board is top notch.
In addition, you’ll find that this group of people is one of the most helpful around.
I hope you join the club…and happy weather watching!
hey Jeff, good news:
aitor, of AAG, supplied me with a code snippet for the verison 3 dallas 1 wire wind direction
it works really good!
a major improvement
in verison 10.0 of WD, uploading now
also, jeff, have your hardware issues settled down?
My hardware issues have settled down with the recent versions. I don’t have my AAG connected - I sent the board back to be replaced and received it back - but haven’t been to the site to add it.
I’ll give the 10.0 a try! This is very exciting! 10.0 wow!