7days 30days new feature in 3.01


7days rainfall =ok
but all 30day inputs show nog graphs, altough I recorded since let say mid october
any idee where the bug might be? Or am I doing something wrong/forgoten?
I use WD 10.18y

the 30 day graphs use the file clientrawdaily.txt, which is uploaded by the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program vers 3.2 (double click that program to see if you have that version (if not then make sure you intall a full version of wd,and make sure you exit the clientrawrealtimeftp.exe program before you run the downloaded installer, so that that file can be updated)


I had to appologize, when i UGRADED YSETERDAY FROM WD10.18l =>10.18y
it upgraded also the ftp prg to 3.2 and indeed graphs are shown now
If I wouldn’t have asked, I wouldn’t have known why I was/wasnot working
