Hi, i am new to freshwdl and i am wondering why my 24 hour graphs won’t work. All the other things look fine.
Maybe someone will have a idea. My adress is http://wetter.neumaier-netz.de/.
Hi, i am new to freshwdl and i am wondering why my 24 hour graphs won’t work. All the other things look fine.
Maybe someone will have a idea. My adress is http://wetter.neumaier-netz.de/.
Hi Ralf
It looks like the timestamps for the 24 hour values (positions 459-478 and 578-581) in your clientrawextra.txt file are just an hour, e.g. “13” but they should be hours plus minutes, e.g. “13:12”. You’re running a fairly old version of Weather Display so maybe that’s something that has changed between your version and the versions that FreshWDL was built against. Are you able to upgrade to the latest version of WD and see if that fixes the problem?
Hi Chris,
thanks a lot. I use meteohub which has wdl included. In the moment i do not know if it is possible to update wdl there.
It’s MeteoHub that appears to be creating the data in the wrong format so it might be worth asking on the MeteoHub Forum to see if anyone has seen the problem before and/or knows how to resolve it.
Fix/Workaround for 24 hour graphs for meteohub users
See post from MichelR
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