Does anybody recognize that also?
There are sometimes spikes with 100 % hum.
If so, please coul you e-mail Brian your latest.inf because that occurs only sporadic and sitting in front of the pc and waiting, if there is a spike again is a bit complicate.
Maybe someone recognizes also and cout catch the latest.inf in the right moment - would be great…
Hmmm I looked at the graphs for the past couple of weeks and though we do have 100% humidity a lot (tis 95% right now lol) I was not able to find signs of a sudden “spikes” in the area.
Is this with a certain station, or just seen in WD or?
Hi, I see you have a VP, I started having close to 100% spikes and it turned out to be a bad sensor board. I replaced the board and it definitely fixed the problem. Here’s the graph I posted before, is this similar to what you are getting?
Thank you all your guys for your information of your experiences.
Yes, it is similar to your graphs but not so extremly like yours.
Today there were 2 spikes, then about one week no great spikes and the days before (with high temps und high hum) it was nearby 4 -5 times a day.
The frequency of the spikes varied a lot, I posted a bad(good) example. Do you have the original design, or the updated version where the board has it’s own enclosure?
If your weatherlink archive is set up for a one minute interval then I suggest you use the weatherlink software to download the archive for a period when you saw spikes in WD. If you see bad humidity values in there then the ISS is the problem.
I do have teh original design…
Still I am not running weatherlink, because there were several crashes of wd. I deleted weaterlink, and WD is running without problems again … hope so for a long time