10.18o - FTP not working

well, i have come to the conlusion i have just too many tags for the program to handle!
if i bracket out a whole bunch, its OK
i.e the further down the list the tag is, then it gets missed
thats why putting the bft tag at the top fixed that one
so i have to split in half by the looks

i got it split upl, the procedure (it was 28,158 lines long!)
uploading 10.18t
this should fix it

Version 10.10t fixed it.
Thanks !!

Where is version 10.18t ? Download page says 10.18q

Been watching since last night.

Is it possible the version number just didn’t get updated on the download page?

Check the third, I think it is, download from the top - it just replaces the wdisplay.exe, and isn’t a full version. I missed this myself for some time, unfortunately long enough that I wasn’t able to download the “t” version before leaving for work.

Never mind… I figured it out… it is a zip only download further down the list.

:multi: horray!
but it was not such much of a bug as a limitation of a program!
it took me a while to figure out what the heck was going on…it was like holes in a boolen, i would patch one, and another would show up, LOL
sure glad i fixed that one!

Thanks, Brian, for sticking with this one until resolution! For me at least, one of WD’s greatest strengths is the huge number of tags that are available, and I’m really pleased that you found a way to keep all the tags available. Sounds like it was a lot of work - thank you again!

the change needed didnt take much (the split) but finding out what the problem was in the first place nearly meant a divorce!

there still might be some incompatibilites with the splitting of the procedures…that i will need to work through

just fixed another problem, airport metars not working…
this was becuase a boolean flag was reset with the new procedure, and i had not reset it again
uploading a new version 10.18t to fix that
and also the flag to show or not show units…

Good morning Brian,

10.18t works fine now. Thanks for the fast reaction.
But I have no rain rate in WDL (2.05) now.

note that the rain rate is only visible in wd when its above zero…
maybe that is the reason

Couple of remaining buglets on 10.18t with tags:

%maxgustdirectionletter% - this one is interesting - on one of my templates, this tag returns the TIME of the max gust… on the other, it returns “0.0”
%maxgustlastimediate10% returns 0.0 regardless of what the recent gust might have been

I’m thinking that as at least the latter tag is quite new, it got missed when the routine was split in two???

what is the metar you are using gary?

These tags are for my station, not a metar… but I am retrieving the following metar stations:

I do use the KMRB metar for current conditions, though with override for conditions from my station.

Then along with that I’m retrieving 11 stations for the mesomap, do you need those?

Here’s a fr’instance on the %maxgustlastimediate xxx% tag no longer working.


op, uploading a fix for the max gust last time new tag now
i will let you know when ready

the “maxgstlasthr” is also not working

Wind: 4.6 kmh WNW
gusts: 0.0 kmh W

The gust and avg lastimediate xxmin tags seem to be working in the “u” release, but as pointed out above, last hour gusts - which admittedly always have confused me as to whether they’re the past 60 minutes or since the top of the current hour, are not both working:

8.1 mph S …maximum gust last hour
16:18 PM …time this occurred
0.0…Maximum gust for the last prior 1 hour period
