in vers 10.18o the FTP is no more working.
also the preview of the weather report has a bug. There is a only a blank screen.
I went back to vers 10.18d now. Please have a look at your e-mails!
(loaded today the zip)
in vers 10.18o the FTP is no more working.
also the preview of the weather report has a bug. There is a only a blank screen.
I went back to vers 10.18d now. Please have a look at your e-mails!
(loaded today the zip)
any errors under view, program error log?
i just notice i have an errror, out of memory
which is a bit odd
but the web page updating is still occuring
This morning for the first time I get an out of memory error. I just updated last night to the newest version. I noticed my emails changed content, nothing I changed and my wx2 page doesn’t update.
ok, i managed to find where in the code the out of memory error was occuring
and have fixed it
I was using a variable that was used elsewhere in the routine, and i should not have been.
strange thing is that nothing changed with that code, it was ok the way it was, but i did reduce the size of the array needed for downloaded metars, and maybe that reduced memory use showed up something else
(it happened for me the xml update (i.e it happens with the use of custom tags)
i am uploading a new 10.18p now , which should hopefully fix this suddenly out of the blue error
if you are quick, try the a new zip from
and let me know, weatherbee, if its now ok
12:40am here, off to bed.
i am hoping that that fresh version will fix up this very strange thing has suddenly reared its ugly head.
download a new 10.18p
it should be OK
(and the good thing is the solar plot now works under view, graph history (and exra temperature data in the extra real time graph too )
I loaded now 10.18p - weatherreport e-mail is running now, but
ERROR: Out of memory at time/date 14:20:11 26.10.04
is still there.
for me the same out of memeory with teh newest update.
I went back 10 18 j.
With 10.18p, still no issues here with out of memory, but %bftspeedtext% tag still not working…
i will change the version number and re upload
6:50am here
asd you guys migth still have a cached version
10.18q loaded
%bftspeedtext% still not working
Every other upload of summary.gif results in a null file - no image
So far, program error log is blank
Just downloaded 10.18q. Have had running last 30 minutes. I don’t get the out of memory error anymore. There are many tags that aren’t working right. Look at
I also had to upload this page manually.
is related to the problem that is occuring with the custom tags
it has just suddenly blown up!
it has only happened after i added more tags for the downloaded metars
its some sort of memory corruption
hopefully i will get to the bottom of it
(just been at school,the kids were getting immunised)
Sorry this has been such a headache, but I’m glad to hear that you’ve vaccine with which to immunise the kids, hopefully includes flu vaccine. Of course, I guess it isn’t peak flu season in the lower hemisphere… :propellerhead:
i have it fixed !
it was the bft tag
and it was using a variable that was not localy in the routine to calculate the bft value, and that same variable was being used in the whole custom web page routine…and it must have been that that variable was then also changed somewhere else in the program…and so the problem suddenly cropped up. I found by shifting that tag to the begining that fixed it…that was the clue
i have a custom page with lots of tags that was getting a bit stuffed up, and its now ok
uploading version 10.18s now to fix it!
if you are quick, grab the latest zip from here
and unzip to where you have wd installed
and let me know if its fixed
It fixes the BFT tag but other tags are still not working. Look at
Look at apparent temp and most of yesterday’s tags.
email me the wxlocal.html file,i.e the one with the custom tags in it, and i will test your one here
(the other persons one is was working with is now ok)
any error under view, program error log?
i cant get that tag to work, even on its own
still a strange gemlin in there