Still some more stuff to do, need to mount the top
Please see image will update my website with this Project soon
1 wire Wet & dry bulb sensor with Aspirated solar radiation shield
And automatic low water indication using a watter Non-contact sensor. When the 400ml water Reservoir supply drops down to
150ml a red Led is activated. The Led in mounted in the top of the lid housing which the red Led light shines down the outside of the Aspirated shield indicating maintenance as needed
The sensors are inside the Aspirated solar radiation shield
With the air flow coming across the sensors from a small fan
1 wire DS18S20 temperature sensor have been made so the wire is
the same length when testing one sensor was out by 0.38 c using the maxim 1 wire reader set to 0.1c
When finished the top housing hoping to connecting to my main 1 wire network in wd with retest the sensors if needed will use a temp offset in wd