1-wire reader lock up

An issue i have many months is the dallas 1-wire reader software locks up and stops responding. I have to restart my pc to get it to work again as it won’t close using the task manager in Windows 7.
I only use 1-wire for rain and most other readings come from a Davis Vue. It could go a week or more without the issue arising. Any ideas what may be the problem??


Sorry. I can not offer any suggestions apart from - try re-installing dallas1wire reader.

I have been having problems for several months. Either I have a corrupt copy of the reader, or it has a bug.
I moved to a Windows 7 laptop from a Windows XP netbook. I’m running both dallas1wirereader (5.7) and
WD 10.37S126 in Compatability XP SP3 mode.

I have been using a Hobby Boards Hub. It would not find wind direction, I was getting humidity spikes.

After trying several hubs, all exhibiting the same problem, I now use a homechip.com JB6 junction box.

But I still have problems. Mainly that starting WD/dallas1wirereader it doesn’t always find all the modules.
One or more of the following is not found - solar, outdoor humidity, wind speed, rain gauge.
Exiting (Save and Exit) WD and restarting it, sometimes takes up to 10 attempts, before most devices are found.

Also, there are times when one or more readings gives a flat line and I have to restart WD/reader.

You will see the problems on my screen grab

It’s getting very frustrating.

Thanks for the reply. I was blaming a solar sensor that was not completley water proof for the issues but i now only have the rain gauge connected to my 1-wire system. A bug or glitch in hardware or software but to find out exactly what it is would be near impossible i would say.
I changed the usb port that the 1-wire dongle is connected to so maybe that might do something. We will see.