1-wire problems - time to retire it?

Considering dismantling my 1-wire system and buying a Davis Vantage Pro2

My 1-wire system started in 2008. A solar sensor was added in 2012, a lightning detector in 2016.
All the devices are Hobby Boards (and Rainwise rain gauge, AAG Ver3)
Hub, Barometer, indoor temp/humidity, outdoor temp/humidty, AAG Ver3 wind instrument, Solar sensor, Lightning detector.

In February (2021) I started having problems.
Wind speed and direction - possibly corroded legs on the AAG Ver3 reed switches.
I’m now using my spare which works, while (slowly) repairing the original
(the vane and cups also need replacing, brittle/breaking probably from UV)

Then the outdoor humidity started to show spikes.

Then the whole system seemed to fail. I sourced a new HobbyBoards hub.
That showed the same problems.

I then replaced that hub with a HomeChip JB6 junction box.
Initially that worked ok, apart from outdoor humidity still having spikes.

28th July we had lots of lightning. Within 24 hours the system failed.
There is only one active device (3 leg SMD transistor?) in the JB6 junction box.
I’ve asked what that device is so that I can replace it, but had no reply (yet).

I’ve checked all the modules individually with 1wireviewer and they all seem to be ok.
In particular the outdoor humidity, brought inside and connected on a short lead, works normally.

Currently I’ve just got the outdoor temp/humidity, lightning detector and Rainwise rain gauge connected.
These are daisy-chained, in that order, but the humidity isn’t reading.

Looking at Dallas 1 Wire Reader, all these devices are found, but the left panel constantly shows
flag result from hum temp read -1

My conclusion from all the above is that I have an issue with Dallas 1 Wire Reader.
It doesn’t work with the Hobby Boards hub, with the JB6 it finds, but won’t read the humidity.
(Note that new HIH sensors were fitted to my indoor and outdoor modules earlier this year)

Considering the age of the hardware, unless anybody has any suggestions that I may not have
tried already, I’m going to replace the whole system.

flag result from hum temp read -1
that suggests its faulty and is probably bringing down the whole microlan try disconnecting that sensor from your network

Thanks for the reply/suggestion
The temp/humidity module(s) works correctly with 1 wire viewer on a short lead.
I’m going to see if I can re-route the cable to the outdoor t/h/lightning/rain modules and make it shorter.

I’ve just spent a couple of hours experimenting again.
With the Hobby Boards hub, most combinations of devices plugged into the (choice of) 6 ports gives problems
such as wind direction not found. Some combinations give 1 Wire Reader “Not Responding”

Going back to my HomeChip/Embedded Data Systems JB6 junction box wiring arrangement things started working again :?
(Don’t know about solar yet, it’s dark now, but 1wirereader current raw readings shows — rather than 0%) but I’m still
getting humidity spikes - on both the indoor and outdoor modules.

I’ll see what happens over the next 24 or 48 hours.
But given the age of the individual parts I feel moving to a Davis station is probably wise.

Sorry I can not come up will anything other than the
Messages already sent

I think one thing made my 1 wire setup stable
Switching to a new pc hardware with Windows 10 64 bit
My old system was running Windows 7 32 bit with very old hardware

I am using the latest wd with a 1 wire Usblink adapter virtual serial comport

Home made surge protection circuit for the wind sensors and main network
Inspeed wind sensors connect to a hb wind sensor module

Hb power module is at the pc size
Hb barometer
Hb solar sensor
Hb ran counter module
Hb counter connect to a Non-Tipping Rain Gauge used as Rain duration sensor
1 Outside air temperature used in a aspirated solar screen
Hb humidity module in aspirated solar screen
1 soil temperature sensor
1 temperature sensor on a concrete slab
1 grass temperature sensor
Hb soil 3 sensors with 1 leaf sensor module

Aspirated wet 1 wire temperature and 1 temperature sensor dry
Used with the black globe temperature sensor (wd works out the WBGT

Home made 1 wire temperature sensor inside black globe
Hb hub with its own power scores is at the end of the network

Using a usb adapter Cloud ir sensor with uv, solar, rain ,light sensor wd uses the data

Air sensor and Lightning projects

Network cable is over 150 m 1 way

Even thing is working with the latest wd


Thanks for you comments. You have a lot of sensors!

Last year I was using an old XP netbook. I’m now using a Windows7Pro 64bit laptop.
The 1-wire adaptor is a USB DS9490R. Maybe I could try a DS9097U serial adaptor?

The things I’m most puzzled by are that, running now, only the humidity sensors (or the associated DS2438) give errors,
and at the moment the solar sensor is not found. (The humidity sensors are powered, not parasitic power).

Last night I managed to find the HobbyBoards 1-wire sniffer which I bought but have never used.
I’d be grateful for any advice on setting up and using that, from anybody else who has used one.

Attached - screen grab showing spikes on indoor humidity (olive line), step changes on outdoor humidity (pale blue line).