After weeks of trails and tribulations, head scratching and pounding, my 1-wire station is ALMOST ready for prime time.
At this point there are only two minor problems I need to fix:
During our last storm yesterday, the anemometer was blown 45 degrees off it’s correct oreintation, and
Despite my best efforts at waterproofing, .256 in of rain in 10 minutes overwhelmed my solar sensor housing.
So, another trip up to the roof tomorrow to re-secure the anemometer, and install the solar sensor in a new housing and I should be set. (until I talk the wife into another sensor I’ve just “got” to have!).
A BIG “THANKS” to Brian, John, Tucker and others who have helped me get up and running!
good you have stuck at it jeep
I take my hat off to you
I think there a few people who have given up and just take the easy way out to blame me and WD (when that is putting the blame in the wrong place, when it really comes down to 1 wire design, workmanship, etc, etc)
Rocketman has an idea that has merit though, where a 2nd com port adaptor on a 2nd comport could be used for a 1 wire device that is taxing on the system (like the AAG baro or humidity or solar sensor , etc)…i.e like a sort of hub…
I just need to add that functionality (its never ending the things I need to add to WD, LOL)
Since I got the ilink, I had thought of using the 9097u on a second com port also, (since I now have 6 com ports), but realized it would not work at this point. I also thought of adding a second video card, and running BOTH the 1-wire and WM918 on different monitors. I could then use the custom page options to pick and choose which stations data would be display on my web page.
That would be a future project though, next one is to get the kids old bedroom painted and setup to move my server and extra computers in there. I’ve already got the cat5 run and put in a wall port for the network, and am putting in wall ports for the 2 weather stations.
I’m a machinist, so I’m also making a housing for my webcam at work. It’s going to be made out of some scrap 4" aluminum round, sealed with o-rings, so I can move the camera outside.