Your software with WRM928N

Currently your software will not update the indoor temperature & humidity. I have used another programme and this does. Therefore it is not a hardware problem. Please help I have paid for the for your full version.
Thanks in advance,

Hi, Currently your software will not update the indoor temperature & humidity. I have used another programme and this does. Therefore it is not a hardware problem. Please help I have paid for the for your full version. Thanks in advance, Mervyn

Hi Mervyn,

I have the same Weather Station, and DO NOT have the same problem. Something must be set incorrectly under control panel

Hi, Currently your software will not update the indoor temperature & humidity. I have used another programme and this does. Therefore it is not a hardware problem. Please help I have paid for the for your full version. Thanks in advance, Mervyn

Hi Mervyn,

I have the same Weather Station, and DO NOT have the same problem. Something must be set incorrectly under control panel

Thanks for the reply, I am certain now that it is my incompetence as I am a novice at this! However I have uninstalled & reinstalled the software several times and yet it still reads the same temperature & humidity indoors. All other readings change. I have looked in the control panel and have been unable to find where and what settings to change! Are you able to help?
best regards,

Hi Mervyn,

Sorry mate, I’ve been through stuff and cannot see where you may have an incorrect setting. Ikknow it may be obvious and shouldn’t work, have you tried setting up the Software to be using your weather station as a WMR918 rather than the actual station ?

Hi Mervyn,

Sorry mate, I’ve been through stuff and cannot see where you may have an incorrect setting. Ikknow it may be obvious and shouldn’t work, have you tried setting up the Software to be using your weather station as a WMR918 rather than the actual station ?

Thanks it worked!!! I wonder why?

Hi Merv,

That just really confuses me !!! I have my software set as WMR928, and as i have said works fine and dandy!!! Baffling, but it is a great piece of software. Keep with it, and eventually you will find all manner of things that you can log and send to your won website…

there is a difference in the way the wmr918 or wmr968 stations send the indoor /barometer data, and so you need to select the correct weather station type.
but its not easy with the way they give the stations a model name…
a N in the model number means its a wmr968 type station
the wmr918 station is a old model over 3 years old now or thereabouts