Clearly i’ve misconfigured something… i get all sorts of wonderful GIF files and a few HTM files (even though i’ve set extensions to HTML), but no WX.HTM, no MYWEATHER.HTM (the name of my weatherstation in Web Files;Setup), no WXLOCAL, nada.
do you have a wxlocal.html file created, with the custom tags in it, and have hte custom switch on?
email me your setting file
using 9.96a, go to action, back up registry, click on back, then email me the file wdsiplayftp.reg from the folder databackup
also, in the custom web page setup, if you have the extension to use as say .htm instead of .html, then you need a file called wxlocal.htm and not wxlocal.html, etc
no… didn’t realize i needed one. I saw this text in the readme file: “Also, give a unique name under station name , like myuniquestationname - this will become part of the URL, i.e” and just assumed the file would be created… I guess i was wrong.
So i need to turn on CUSTOM WEB PAGE and then it should work? Or is there more that has to be done?
at the moment you are using the customise internet and file creation, and you have times to create and upload the default table file set, which is good, and you have the station name set as myweather
but you do not have ticked use .html instead of .htm, and so the web page url is myweather.htm
WD creates that file auto
you also have ticked use custom web page, in the ftp/internet setup
and so that means you can have a wx.html file created from a wxlocal.html you create with the custom tags in it, and the times that this file are created you set in the customise internet and file creation (which you have not done)…
and you can set it in the custom setup where instead of wx.html, you can use your stations name, so it becomes myweather.html
(but you will need to change the extension to .htm for it to becomes myweather.htm
ok, (works without the www ok)
the table data is not updating, becuase if you have the custom switch ON, you will need to tick still update and upload my normal page as well
(and do not then tick use my nornal web page name)