Wunderground rain seems to be off

WD’s reporting of rain rates, etc. to wunderground seems to be off a bit.
Wunderground say total rain for month is 3.33 in, while station reports 5.081 in. Also, the rain rate never goes above .09 in/hour when my max has been .702 in/hour, and right now is at .598 in/hour.
I’ve checked on some other stations near me and what wunderground is reporting for them, and what their websites show, are close to what I’m seeing here, but none of them use WD.

its an ongoing saga
i was told by wunderground a long time ago to just report the rain total since the last data sent to wunderground, instead of the rain in the last hour (originaly wunderground data was only meant to be hourly (and I was the first person to register with wunderground)).
but wunderground have teamed up with ambient…i.,e they say one thing, but make sure its only good with ambient (i.e maybe its that other software has not changed to this method (wunderground said they would be able to handle the change i amde))
anyway, its really an issue that needs to be sorted with wunderground.
they tell me its OK, its sorted.
thats all i know

Having fought this fight with those folks a year ago I ended up stopping my feed to them. I told them I would rather not have my weather station data displayed if it was inaccurate.

A couple of months ago I decided to turn my feed to them back on and see if they had fixed anything. I have since had 4 or 5 rain events and wunderground is doing a decent job of tracking the daily rain totals. The daily totals for rainfall have been 100% consistent with my station.

However, the monthly total is off by a very small amount. I believe it has to do with the conversion from mm to inches, and the error can get fairly large after a period of time and lots of rain events.

Other than that I am happy with the changes they made to fix the rainfall amount problems I was experiencing.

I just checked and my rain and WU rain totals are within .01 so it’s working good from here finally. :slight_smile:

great news to get that feedback that its working for you guys,OK now, where you have had trouble in the past :slight_smile: