My record temperature (Omaha, NE) for today is:
Record 101
My record temperature (Omaha, NE) for today is:
Record 101
Is it set to pick up the record and average readings from Weather Underground’s almanac? I’ve noticed that it always shows the record high as 10F (-12C) no matter what almanac I choose. Thought perhaps it was a glitch with WU’s stuff. Normal max/min are shown correctly though.
the problem might be when its over 100
the problem might be when its over 100
It looks as if that is the case. I found one that the Weather Underground site showed a record of 95, and the WU almanac view in WD showed the correct temperature. My own area, with a record high over 100 is showing 10.
fixed it
uploading a fix as 10.16q beta now
fixed it
Great service! This program just keeps getting better and better.
Thanks again, Brian, for a great program!
fixed it uploading a fix as 10.16q beta now :)
Well, I’ve found the time to update WD to 10.16t.
And now the daily high/low is saying 0F and 0F
which station is that again?
i did check for a station with non 100f record high and it was ok…
oh? which station is that again? i did check for a station with non 100f record high and it was ok...
I randomly checked stations throughout the United States. They all show 0F and 0F.
Well, I hate to keep harping on this feature but today my records show:
102.2F (yeah!) and -.04F (BOO!)
According to NWS the records should be 102F and 41F
I’m not sure where Weather Underground pulls from but it says the records should be 0F and 0F ???
Where does WD pull from?
I’m becoming more convinced that this is not a bug in WD.
Every morning I check Weather Underground, it says todays record high/low is 0F and 0F.
By afternoon (after WD has already long ago pulled the data), the records finally show up for the day.
Brian, I hate to say this but you may have to consider a more reliable source for this data or else drop the feature.
NOAA provides it for the United States.
(Addendum: It appears VWS suffers the exact same problem. A neighbor down the road a bit uses VWS and his site is reporting 0F and 0F.)
must be why when i ever i check it, its OK…
so its a bug on the wunderground web site…after they have first updated data
or maybe not so much as a bug, but a change in the way they display the data…
so, email me the temporary wunderground file…