Thankyou very much wvdkuil!
Hello WIM,
In WU data arrays Update Script I cannot find the solution to add a missing date _wu_upd.php
(Attached photo)
thank you for your help
The update script updates existing data as received from WU. It is used to remove errors.
If the data was “not uploaded to WU” there should be a blank line for that day.
Probably the data in the .arr file is OK, but it is also cached in other places.
You can sent me (use a PM or email) your easyweather-setup password so I can check myself.
Thanks for posting this. It seems an error of some kind in the script.
I copied your IFLEUR4-metric-2021.arr to my mac and will test it with that file.
Your dashboard-website works OK, so it is not a HIGH-priority problem.
It therefor can take a few days before I come back with an answer, hopefully a solution.
I have no idea (yet) why it skipped this one line.
I tested with other stations missing lines, and there were empty lines. But not always.
I simplified the code a little, and it is now catching all missing lines I tested with.
Make a copy of the .arr before starting the _wu_upd.php script.
After updating the .arr the cached .txt versions are still valid, therefor you will see the added line in reports only after tonight.
Wim (4.69 KB)
My WU Dashboard (IEDINBUR98) shows “No data available” for 9 May (very strange, I was uploading), but that produced a blank line so I was able to edit it.
Thanks for the updated version
Good evening,
Perfect with the fix I had access to the missing date
Thanks again for the fix
Dear Wim,
although topic is closed the forum still allowed to send a reply which I think is better linked here than ‘lose’ somewhere else. First of all this is a fantastic script Wim! that allowed me in an easy way to ‘repair’ some gaps in my WU data. I have just noted that attention is needed when entering rainfall data. You must insert it with 2 digits after the decimal point. Otherwise in the coloured overview the decimal point is moved. So if you enter 0.8 mm this will turn into 8 mm in the coloured graph so the correct way is to enter it as 0.80 mm. I expect this to come into effect for the current year when the cache is updated.
kind regards Jean-Paul
I seem to remember that WU array rainfall is entered in cm, so 0.8 mm is entered as 0.08 cm.
I am not sure how WU deals with this around the world but If I visit my data on the wunderground website it is expressed in mm and 0.80 is 0.80 mm. I just opened the link to fleurie in the Beaujolais above and I see the exact same mistake for some days in May.
Agreed. But metric rain in the WU data array is shown in cm. . . all around the world
This is for compatibility with the way WU historically treated metric rain in the old CSV files they used to produce.
I just opened the link to fleurie in the Beaujolais above and I see the exact same mistake for some days in May.
I think he has been entering mm instead of cm, too.
Dear Bitsostring,
Yes indeed you are absolutely right I checked the array file, so it is not the decimal point that was playing tricks here but the fact that you need to enter rainfall in centimeters rather than in mm. When I look at some raindays in May for Fleurie in this same thread I note that it seems I am not the only one who has interpreted it wrongly. Wim maybe you can add cm in the _wu_upd.php script field descriptor in a future update?
Thanks for the help