Hi Brian, does the sunshine hours work with WD for anyone else?
If you look here on my summary http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/jcoxell/weatherdisplay/August2004.htm
the sunshine hours always come out 0.0
some checks:
in the solar setup, do you have the swtch on the right hand turned ON
also, tick, use max solar radiation for the time of day and lat/long (words to that effect (some people quote me))
and then the % solar, when it gets above the solar % for sunshine (default is 85), wd starts adding sunshine hours
yes with my WS2500-PC:
or http://www.mannheim-wetter.info/wetter/daten.html
I now working with 150 000Lux as maximum and >=34% for sunny.
Oh blimey no wonder its not registering, today for instance the max solar% says it was 40%. I’ve had 10 hours sunshine according to my AWS today something not set right somewhere is it? The switch is on, the box is ticked and I set the percentage a bit lower I’ll see what happens tomorrow.
Ah Gerhard thanks, I’ve just realised yours is set very low too I’ll set it for something similar and see what happens.
Aha yep thats sorted it, its now recording the hours thanks
I have another little problem now with the rainfall
If you look on there firstly the maximum rain rate per minute is never recorded and also the days I had rainfall are getting mixed up too somehow.
For instance on the 3rd I had 0.7mm of rain but at the bottom its got the date of the rainfall showing as the 2nd.
Then on the 9th we had 9.4mm but the date at the bottom says it was the 8th etc etc, its not a major problem its just showing the rainfall in the summary at the bottom the day previously for some reason?