WS2310 Rain Gauge

I have a LaCrosse 2310 weather station. Yesterday a large thunderstorm rolled through the area. WD showed .693 inches of rain after about 10 minutes of a heavy downpour. The heavy rain continued for another 10-15 minutes follwed by another half hour of moderate to light rain. WD never updated the daily rainfall from .693. Both rain rate and maximum rain rate continued to update. The total rain amounts from this area according to the national weather service were 1.25 to 1.5 inches.

Any Ideas?

What did the 2310 console say while wd appeared to be stuck

i do have some checks in place to ignore large amounts of rain
(in caase it was a bad data spike)
but i have increased that allowance in the latest version

Unfortunately I did not think to check the station. But it is thunderstorm season so if it happens I will check it.

Could you let me know what the threshhold is on those checks?



At least you aren’t in Dallas, 13 inches there overnight.

After the drought we have been through just about any water is welcome ( be careful what we wish for).