This may not be a problem with WD but perhaps with my WS2310 console. My WD barometer graph will usually show a smooth trend with perhaps the odd deviation. However, of late, the barometer line will randomly spike upwards and then quickly descend back to the normal trend… anyone else experiencing this? I am sure there can not be such huge pressure spikes in the area. No other graphs are affected or show any corelation to the presure spike. :roll:
Are you using the data logger to extract data at start up?
I tried this feature and got the same large spikes during the data extraction.
But, while running the program constantly, I’ve had no spikes on any graphs.
This may not be a problem with WD but perhaps with my WS2310 console. My WD barometer graph will usually show a smooth trend with perhaps the odd deviation. However, of late, the barometer line will randomly spike upwards and then quickly descend back to the normal trend.... anyone else experiencing this? I am sure there can not be such huge pressure spikes in the area. No other graphs are affected or show any corelation to the presure spike. :roll:
I can’t remember… did you change out the phone line for shielded wire?
I never see any spikes at all.
with the data logger extraction, you need to set the barometer offset in the data logger setup, to avoid that barometer value difference
also, i have done some work on that extraction area…but i am not getting good values, and i need someone to help me how has a ws2310
Be glad to help if I can Brian.
As far as the barometer offset, I have it set with an offset of 14.
When I try a data extraction, the barometer graph goes all over the place - up and down as far as 1.0in.
Do I have that offset correct?
in the latest version of wd
after a data extraction at start up
a file called
is produced where wd is installed
email me that file
email sent