I’m having trouble getting the rainfall recorded by Weather Display to sync with the amount recorded by the Lacrosse control panel. The problem is that Weather Display consistently falls behind. Now, exactly how far behind seems to depend upon the rate at which the rain is falling. During light rain events, the amounts are very close, usually within 2% of each other. However, during heavy rain events, I’ve seen as much as a 10% discrepancy. I would have no trouble using the rainfall offsets in WD, if only the percentage of error remained constant, but that’s not the case. I realize that one option might be to split the difference and go with a 6% offset, but I’m really looking for a more accurate solution. Any ideas?
which version of weather display?
I’m using 10.18y
i made some changes that will improve this, so i recommend to use the latest version, now 10.19k
I will give that a try. Thanks.
I will post back with the results after the next rainfall (should be tomorrow).
Finally, there has been some rain worth reporting, and here are the results:
36 hour storm totals:
LaCrosse Unit: 85.5 mm.
Weather Display: 77.3 mm.
Manual (Tru-Chek Wedge): 79.2 mm.
Not bad at all. I suspect the manual gauge is more accurate, anyway. If I add a +2% offset to Weather Display, it should come close to the correct reading. Just one question – Is the offset calculated in realtime or at specific intervals?