Hi, I am using a WMR968, wirelesse, and yesterday evening the barometer suddenly shot up from 1020 to 1064. Until we found the mistake, more than one hour was passed.
After changing the battery, the sensor worked again well.
Now I have a problem, because the all time records are wrong at the weeky, monthly graphics and so on also.
I changed the log-file, and made a correctur of the normal daily graph. Thats o.k. But how can I correct the all time records and other data?
Thank you for the answer. All time records I can now correct, but the graphic shows this wrong barometer. Look at papageienliebhaber.de
what you can do is edit the bad readings from the log file, i.e 72003lg.txt
then go to action, import log files, convert wd log files to graphs, then click on convert (after selcting the file 72003lg.txt (which it should do auto)