WordPress Blog Add On for Carterlake/AJAX/PHP Templates Now Available

Hi Ken,
that is how it is set any other ideas
it is 3 from root
var imagedir = ‘http://n9mfk.com/ajax-images’; // place for wind arrows, rising/falling arrows, etc.
that worked

Beau the temp arrow is working on your blog now

Hi mike
i had to change it to this
var imagedir = ‘http://n9mfk.com/ajax-images’; // place for wind arrows, rising/falling arrows, etc.

Theme switcher updated today

Version: 1.14 12-Oct-2008
fix for css validation. This was caused by the Worpress Blog Addon css I put into version 1.09
removed 4 lines from .wp-caption css: all the lines did was make rounded corners on the wordpress image captions.
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-khtml-border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;


Theme switcher css files updated today:

Version: 1.15 16-Oct-2008
changed wordpress text alignment from text-align: justify; to text-align: left;
this fixes a sometimes bad looking text alignment problem
To upgrade from vers 1.14: just replace all the css files from this zip file to your server




I accidentally copied my own custom css files into the 1.15 zip file earlier today.
If you downloaded it today, please download it again, replace all the css files and it will be fixed.

Sorry about that, thanks Ken True for catching it so fast.

One of the areas of “Wordpress” I could never get to work was the “Post via e-mail” section. I could never get the settings to work with my host, to say the least it was a little frustrating. I really wanted the ability to post on the fly and at the spur of the moment so to speak!! So I began to search wordpress for another solution and found this…http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wphone/ there were a couple of others however one failed activation (old version) and the other has a bad GUI. So while not perfect (no ability to post pictures) it does get the job done quickly.

Just posted this in case somebody else using the Blog Add On was in the same boat!!



Wordpress Version 2.7 is out.
It has significant enough changes to require a new wxblog theme update.

One of the new features of WP 2.7 is threaded comments, you can enable that in wp-admin, settings, discussion, check “Enable threaded nested comments”

see this thread for new WP 2.7 theme:


I did something wrong…http://stillweather.com/wordpress/



I don’t run the standard template so can’t speak to it but… That error looks to stem from Mike’s “who is online” script. Maybe just remark the lines that call include-whos-online-header.php out and see what happens?


Easy fix, put a copy of the spiders.txt in your wordpress main folder
or in your case stillweather.com/wordpress

Hi Mike,

Figures, I tried that but put the spiders txt in the wrong spot. However a few more errors now came up.



Jack, try this real quick, go into WD admin ancd change to default theme, do the mysql errors go away?
Let me know if they do I have an idea to try …

Yes they did Mike!

ok then turn your theme back on then edit your template Settings.php and comment out the whos online include lines
If the errors go away I will have a new whosonline package ready in a few minutes

ok, might be a minute…literally setting up a new machine…just got WD back up and running, still a ton to do!

If you use my whos online, you need to update it to this version:

Version: 1.06 18-Dec-2008

  • added mysql link identifier to each mysql call (for better compatibility if you have another mysql app in your site template, ie: wordpress)
    to upgrade from 1.05, replace include-whos-online-header.php and include-whos-online-page.php


Bravo Mike…worked like a charm as always. Thank you.

Do you need me to test anything before your general release?


Getting there with the new machine…fast as lightning…I never knew wxsim could run so fast…lol!

Jack, in step 4)

did you replace the top-level2.php looks like you did not
make sure you do because it includes some WP 2.7 css for the new comments features
then …
Lets take some time and poke around some pages on your blog and make sure there are no css issues


I see one issue with lack of a line break at the top and bottom of the WP content

update your wxblog theme again with this new one: ( updated 10 of the wxblog theme files)