Wont receive data on initial startup

This has been happening to me for the last couple versions. I think it started in 10.13f when you sped up the VP Pro download.

If I shut down WD and start it right back up within the 2 minute window where it doesnt download data, WD wont connect to the VP Pro. I get no data. I’ve let it set for about 10 min and nothing.

If I then shut it down, bring it back up, since it’s been > 2 min, it does the data download, I then get data on the screen.

Also, when you sped up the download, what is to be expected. I have about a months worth of data in the logger (logs every minute) and it takes about 5-7 min to get to the current data to download. I havent actually timed it, Ill have to do that.

I have about a months worth of data in the logger (logs every minute) and it takes about 5-7 min to get to the current data to download. I havent actually timed it, Ill have to do that.
This is a VP - right? The logger stores 2560 records, at a one minute interval that's maximum 42 hours. After 42 hours the newest data overwrites the oldest data.

The start up problem is in hand I believe.
See the Davis VP data extraction at start up…works great thread.
Expect an update very soon.

just fixed it , uploading a new 10.13i now
the problem occured if you started wd within a minute or 2 of ending it…
i.e waiting a few minutes fixed it
But i have prevented this error now (at least with testing here)